Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Charles Dickens' Biography

Charles Dickens' Biography

Charles Dickens is one of England's well-known novelists who have left their legacy in the world of literature. The great Dickens was born on February 7, 1812.
He faced a very difficult childhood as he was obliged to leave school after sending his family to prison for debt. However, all these difficulties didn't interrupt him from educating himself. 

Despite having a modest start, he grew up to be the person who many in England put alongside Shakespeare and other icons in English literature. In 1844, Dickens' thought provoking writings about poverty and social injustice yielded fruit and enabled him to reach fame. Thanks to those challenging topics, Dickens was considered as a social reformer.

Charles Dickens passed away in 1870; he was dead but his messages live on.

By Ahmed Elhamrouni
Secondary school Sidi Zid

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